It’s been over a year since I last write about my experiences with bit coins. I have not been able to explore the world of crypto currency as much as I would have liked but I have managed a few things. Overall though, it’s been very interesting to see how Bitcoin is becoming more and more mainstream all the time. If you watch closely it seems super slow but if you take a step back, it’s pretty amazing how fast it’s been.
The Zombie Translator is back and better than ever. Not only does it “work” but there are now more example phrases not to mention vast improvements to the zombie linguistic engine. My brother Derek is also involved as a writer. There’s also a “social” element to the Zombie Translator. You can follow it on Twitter @ZTranslator, Tumblr and Google+. There you will find useful phrases to memorize. Some phrases are things you might like to communicate to a zombie and others are things zombies might be trying to tell you.
I think I’m going to start writing an annual blog post about my favorite books every year. Here’s this years run down. In case you are wondering I don’t actually have a memory capable of remembering all the books I’ve read this year and what I thought of them, but I’ve been logging my reading at and that makes it easy. Here they are in no particular order. I’m probably going to try to stick to one book per category.
It’s getting to be Christmas time again. That means a lot of awful annoying music that might have been fun at some point but after while just feels soul crushing, but also some that’s actually kinda good. Once again me and Erin have tried to assemble some of the better music (some new some old) to improve everyone’s holidays. We just try not to repeat any exact tracks from previous years.
Here’s a CD’s worth of Christmas music that Erin and I will be listening to this year. Merry Christmas!:) Weezer - Hark! the Herald Angels Sing From the Christmas With Weezer album, one of my favorite Christmas albums and one of my favorite Christmas songs. We Wish You a Merry Christmas - John Denver and the Muppets From the A Christmas Together album. We (me and Erin) really like the Muppets but I’m afraid I was unfamiliar with their “Christmas together” with John Denver until Erin showed me the light.
My girlfriend Erin and I have put together a Christmas Playlist for 2011 of better than average to pretty good Christmas music. Crash Test Dummies - Good King Wenceslas - Jingle All the Way Guster - Tiny Tree Christmas - The Christmas Gig: Two Thousand Ten Julian Casablancas - Christmas Treat Low - Just Like Christmas - Christmas The Killers - Joseph, Better You Than Me (feat.
So, while I was on my road trip (almost 6 months ago now) I took some video (mostly while I was driving). Maybe not the safest thing in the world, but I had some time to kill. I figured I would edit it all together when I get home. Put it to the tune of Mr Space Man. The hi-light of course, being the shuttle launch. Alas, no shuttle launch, at least while I was there, so I kinda lost some of my motivation to finish putting the movie together.
We had to get up early to get our flight home. I got to see Clair in the morning during breakfast. Eric told her I did not cry this time when I rode the Metro. Eric gave us a ride to airport. They have a pretty sweet ‘84 BMW (that’s 2 years older then Carol, but in a lot better shape). The plane ride home turned out to be a lot better then the one to London.
I surprised myself, and woke up just enough to mumble “goodbye” to Elysia as she was going out the door (didn’t manage to get out of bed right then though). Then me and Heather slept in longer then we wanted to. We were planning to actually go inside the Louvre today, and considering it was Sunday there might be long lines. We did manage to find time to stop for a croissant before we got on the Metro though (always a good decision).
We slept a little later than usual (that’s usual for this trip, not usual for me), then we headed over to one of Paris’s premier art Museum’s the Musée d’Orsay. On our walk to the Metro we stopped at a fruit stand and a bakery for breakfast. After that I decided I would try to eat at least one croissant a day. The Musée d’Orsay was awesome. It’s an enormous converted train station with a huge glass roof.